2025 to 2026 Through the Bible Crochet Along

Join me in Through the Bible CAL, a simple 2-year blanket CAL based on themes from daily chronological Bible reading.

Join me in Through the Bible CAL, a simple 2-year blanket CAL based on themes from daily chronological Bible reading.

A bit of background

I had never hosted a CAL until the Through the Bible CAL 2023. I’m so glad I did because it was a wonderful way to connect with other Christians. This CAL also taught me a lot about myself. I Had big plans and a lot of good intentions but fell short of delivering towards the end of the CAL.

So, with the 2025-26 CAL, I’ve decided to make a few changes. First off, instead of 1 year, we’re going to be reading through the Bible in 2 years. A lot of us have other responsibilities. As a result, a lot of people fell behind on their readings or got discouraged with the first CAL. Hosting it over a period of 2 years means we get to take our time with the day’s assigned reading rather than just blowing through it to finish.

Another thing that will change is the crochet project. I’m still going to use the simple moss stitch blanket pattern. However, I will be making 4 blankets. More details about this and the Inspiration behind this Bible CAL can be found below.

Join me in Through the Bible CAL, a simple 2-year blanket CAL based on themes from daily chronological Bible reading.

And the last big change is where I’ll be hosting the CAL. For now, I’m to be posting updates here and if anything changes, I’ll update you on that. I will be deactivating the Facebook group at the end of January 2025, God willing. A lot of people joined it but there is little to no interaction on it. The new arrangement will be easier to navigate and more community-focused.

I don’t want to under-deliver again, so I’m giving myself more time to get things working and published; including the CAL website.

Inspiration Behind this Bible CAL

The theme for 2025-26 is based on Genesis 8:22,

“While the earth remains,
Seedtime and harvest,
Cold and heat,
Winter and summer,
And day and night
Shall not cease.”

We’ll be making 4 blankets over the course of 2 years. The colour scheme will represent the 4 seasons listed; seedtime, harvest, winter and summer. I have put together a Pinterest Board with blanket colour inspirations for all 4 of these.

Blanket themes and dates:

  1. January 15, 2025- July 12, 2025- Seedtime
  1. July 13, 2025- January 7, 2026- Harvest
  2. January 8, 2026- July 5, 2026- Winter
  3. July 6, 2026- December 31, 2026- Summer

2025-26 Through the Bible CAL details

The 2025-26 Crochet Along is a free event that runs from January 15, 2025-December 31, 2026. We’ll be doing a chronological reading plan. What that means is that we’ll be reading through according to how events took place.

I’ve provided a guide that contains a summary of this blog post and most importantly, our Bible reading schedule for the next 716 days!

Where will I find the pattern for this CAL?

We will be doing a simple moss stitch blanket. All other details including what you’ll need for the Bible study, blanket pattern and colour suggestions, notes and tips can be found in the document below.

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1 thought on “2025 to 2026 Through the Bible Crochet Along”

  1. Morinne,

    I loved the 2023 CAL but I was one of those fallen away over time! I love this idea of a 2 year CAL and making multiple blankets 🙂 I will definitely be joining in, moss stitch is my favorite blanket stitch as well so this will be wonderful!!!

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